Dance is my Passion

I am a movement and embodiment teacher.

I am a Journey Dance and Let Your Yoga Dance ® Certified Teacher and student of conscious movement practices such as 5Rhythms, Soul Motion , Azul and others.

I facilitated movement classes in Omega Institute, women wellness festivals, various studios in NJ, NYC and offer Zoom classes online.

”I am seeking that dance which might be the divine expression of the human spirit through the medium of the body's movement.” ~ Isadora Duncan

Moving Meditation uses movement to help quiet the mind. Many of us have trouble with seated meditation because our minds start to wander quickly. Many meditative techniques require one to sit still and silent. But for most of us accumulated stress in our body mind makes that difficult. Before we can attempt to access our inner powerhouse of consciousness, we need to let go of our tensions.

My moving meditation is a physical and spiritual practice that connects mind, body, heart and spirit through expressive ritual movement and free style conscious dance. It is a movement which transcends dance; movement as the medicine, the meditation and the reflection of our life. It is a practice to become more aware and conscious of our true, genuine selves. It transforms us from human-doing to the human-being.

I design movement practices which is an alchemy of conscious dance, spiritual awareness and freedom of self-expression.

My Intentions are to be in service and to create a sacred space where people feel comfortable and free to express their genuine self; space for self-exploration, acceptance and open-hearted connections with community.

I also did extensive research related to the movement and healing. I completed “The Wisdom of the Body” course from Sounds True. I participated in The Embodiment Conference and learned from many teachers. I learned from a trauma therapist like Dr. Peter A. Levine that body and movement is instrumental in the emotional release and healing trauma. I was invited to assist the therapist for a 5 day intensive trauma therapy workshop as a movement facilitator and could see very impressive results.

All my events are happening now in a beautiful community space Please go to Events or Calendar to see current movement offerings.

Embodiment - it’s a word that gets used a lot these days, but what does it mean and how do you ‘get it’? The dictionary defines “to embody” as “making visible,” and for me that is exactly what our bodies and movement do. We all have bodies and we are always moving, even if it is just breathing. Our movement and body makes visible all of who we are: our mood, personality, history, family, and culture.

“Dance totally! – and then you will be surprised. Something new will be felt. When the dance becomes total, and the dancer is almost completely dissolved in the dancing, there will be a new kind of awareness arising in you. You will be totally lost into the dance: the dancer gone, only dance remains. And yet you are not unconscious, not at all – just the opposite. You are very conscious, more conscious than you have ever been before." ~ Osho

“Let the dance flow in its own way; don’t force it rather follow it; allow it to happen. It’s not a doing but a happening into mood of festivity. You are not doing something very serious; you are just playing, playing with your life energy, playing with your bioenergy, allowing it to move in its own way. Just like the wind blows and the river flows - you are flowing and blowing. Feel it and be playful. God has not created a world, it is his play.” ~ Osho

Ecstatic Dance led by Inna is a free-form, not structured dance space.

It is an inner/outer journey, an authentic moving meditation where true Presence is experienced. It creates a direct body-mind-spirit connection, allowing our body and inner guidance to be our own teachers. It's about being fully present, transparent and real with oneself and others, discovering our own true dance, using this movement and energetic experience to release stuck patterns in our bodies, emotions and mind and being able to experience true union with the divine as One. Ecstatic Dance usually combined with Cacao Ceremony and/or Sound Healing